An Invitation to Transform Education!

Our Goal: To make America the best place on the earth to educate a child!


If you’re here, I’m assuming you came because you wanted to impact America’s education by praying for students, schools and well – the whole mountain of education!! I welcome you to come, get updates on what’s going on in education and insights US Department of educationon how to pray. Being a part of a praying community is not for the faint of heart. We will discuss the difficult issues and discern how to pray to make America’s schools the best on the face of the earth. America’s schools are in trouble. We don’t need another program, another curriculum, another head of the Department of Education. We need the prayer of those who love America, care about the future of our children and who are willing to spend a few minutes each day.

Our prayers are strategic. Our content is to the point and
informative. Our method is simple. But we need you!

Join us in making America’s schools the best place in the world to educate a child.