Prayer for the Mountain of Education During the Month of Tishrei

Prayer for the Mountain of Education during the Month of Tishrei – Linked to the Tribe of Ephraim
The month of Tishrei begins September 10th and ends October 9th. God has a redemptive plan for each month and this month we look at Tishrei, as the month of the ancients. As we speak to the Mountain of Education, we honor those who came to this country in order to worship God and teach their children to love and serve Him.

• Tishrei is the month of the strong –
We decree: That only the Godly will rule over education in this Nation. We call forth strong men and women of God, who are righteous and who will not back down in the face of evil.

• Tishrei is the month of appointed times –
We decree: As this month is the official beginning of school, it is an appointed time for the students in America to learn the Word of God and discover their Creator.

• Tishrei is the month we return to God to experience His glory –
We decree: Thank you, God, for our forefathers who experienced firsthand Your Glory and came to America to establish “one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.” We proclaim their words will ring throughout this land! We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all!

• Tishrei is the month of Leviathan- the time to return to one’s absolute source.
We decree: Education in America returns to its absolute source where students are instructed in the Word of God and share Your love throughout this nation.

• Tishrei is the month of reflected light –
We decree: The light of Jesus shines in the hearts of our children and that light is reflected to the world around them.

• Tishrei is the month to press through to touch HIM –
We decree: Intercessors everywhere rise up to pray for America’s Mountain of Education. We press through. We do not give up. We are not weary. We are not faithless. We are strong in our faith and we do not back down when faced with humanism and evil teachings. We boldly declare that America’s schools are free to teach Jesus.

• Tishrei is the month to be fruitful and multiply –
We decree: We speak multiplication of Godliness in America’s school administrators, teachers and students. Godly schools will increase exponentially.

Prayer for the Mountain of Education During the Month of Av

Linked to the Tribe of Simeon, the month of Av (July 13- August 11, 2018) is associated with the time the twelve spies explored the promise land. Ten spies brought back a discouraging “evil” report, “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is the fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there….” Two spies, Caleb and Joshua, brought back a good report, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

Av is the month:
• to believe the good report.
• for the divine will of the Father to be executed!
• to advance through partnerships.
• for a new level of discernment

Mountain of Education decrees for the month of Av:
• Although there are giants in the land we say with Joshua and Caleb, “Our God is mighty and although there are giants who have strongholds in the land by our God we are well able to overcome!” We decree that we are well able to bring education under the jurisdiction of the God and creator of the Universe!

• We decree that this month of Av is the time to turn the tide of unbelief – we no longer look at the Mountain of Education as unmoveable. This mountain will be transformed by the power of God!

• We decree that strongholds of humanism are broken over Americas Schools.

• We decree that Mountain Moving Faith will rise in believers across America to change education.

• We decree that as we start a new school year, this is the year for the divine will of the Father to be executed in the cultural Mountain of Education!

• We decree that divine partnerships are established this month that will advance Godly education and expose ungodly, corrupt, practices in American education.

• We decree that the Godly decision makers will rise to a new level of discernment that will penetrate and destroy the culture of death in our schools.

Why the Future is Better than We Think

It’s often difficult to see beyond the immediate problems of our planet to where we could be if God were to give us new innovations, new solutions and new horizons. We look at what the world is telling us and believe, like Chicken Little, “The sky is falling.” But if we believe that God is bringing solutions to every day problems we face, then we know there is no a problem that He can not solve and, frankly, our world is in very good hands.

Recently, at the recommendation of a friend, I purchased the book, Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think. (Yes, another book!) Opening the book, I thought, “Yeah, I bet. Everyone knows the future is dismal and we are all in a grind. True to human nature, sometimes we all need a different perspective on life and although the book isn’t a religious book, it gave me a new perspective on what new possibilities lie before us, especially in regard to technology and how God is giving people on His earth the wisdom to solve problems of water shortages, infant mortality, poverty, famine, food shortages and a host of other issues our world faces. What if, God was looking for problem solvers who will advance His Kingdom on this earth?

One example was in Columbia South America. From 1999 to 2008, Columbia was ruled by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Force of Columbia) a Marxist-Leninist insurgency group that dealt in drugs, kidnappings, arms dealing, and terrorism. They were a force to be reckoned with, and anyone who spoke against them ended up dead.

A young man had the idea to One young man had an idea to set up a FaceBook Page and called it “A Million Voices Against FARC.” He had four simple pleas: NO MORE KIDNAPPING, NO MORE LIES, NO MORE DEATH, NO MORE FARC. He published the FB page one night and the next morning he had 1500 likes. Within a week, he had 100,000 likes. One month later he had 400,000 volunteers and was able to muster over 12 million people in 200 cities across the world who were willing to take to the streets. In Bogota there were 1.2 million to protest. News of the demonstrations penetrated the jungles and FARC, fearing for their lives, disbanded. There was NO MORE FARC. The lessons learned from Columbia.
We need each other.
We need a plan.
We need technology.
We need unity.
We need someone with the “juice” of the Holy Spirit to lead the cause.

All of the elements came together in one example from the country of Columbia.

We’ve all seen those pictures of busy little robots in a factory. They each do the work of one hundred employees and they don’t require health insurance, vacation pay or sick leave. They are just worker bees – toiling away and taking meaningful jobs from good honest people. While they may take those jobs, the people they replace are now able to take more meaningful jobs.

It’s easy to imagine that technology takes away jobs and sometimes difficult to see the next generation of jobs on the horizon.

If one believes in a good then the future is definitely better than we think!

Why Did Jamel Dunn Drown?

On July 9, 2017, Jamel Dunn, Aged 32 of Cocoa, Florida drowned in a retention pond. Five teenagers watched as Jamel struggled against the water to save himself. The five teens shouted at Jamel as they recorded the drowning.

While Dunn screamed for help and struggled to keep his head above water, the teens shouted at him. “Nobody is going to help your a—!” As his head sank under the water, the boys laughed as they said, “Oh he just died!”

Where did these malicious, thoughtless, and evil teens get the idea it was okay to watch Jamel Dunn die and not make any attempt to save him, but rather did just the opposite—encouraged him die? The teens went unpunished because they broke no laws. Which leaves us to ask, “Why did they not feel compelled to help? What kind of parents, educational system, and society did not instill in these young men any morals?” The fact is they were raised in American families and attended American schools.

The fact is our children are learning morals, it’s just those morals are taught as socially relevant. If students are not taught differently at home, in the media, in church, then they will be raised in a moral vacuum.

In common core curriculum, there is scant mention of our founding fathers and no mention of the fact that they believed in a God who is the Creator of heaven and earth and that as individuals we will be held accountable to a higher power for our actions on this earth.

Students are taught they are okay and everyone else is to blame for any flaws they might have. They are taught the first law of the land is to take care of themselves and them only. It’s the way of humanism – the religion taught in our public schools. The void of moral teaching is filled with the reinforcement of self-love and the use of self-interest as a moral compass. Our country cannot sustain itself with such teaching.

It is time to launch a counter-offensive of prayer that will address the issues of humanism gone rampant. As we pray, direction is given, so let us pray in earnest for the redemption of education in America!