The Void of History Creates Opportunity for Change

Pray: Lord, we take heed and diligently keep the history of America as a sacred remembrance of all you have done for our nation. We will not let the many miracles you have performed for us be forgotten. We will write them down and teach them to our children and our grandchildren for many generations.

At a recent press conference in Chicago, Democratic State Representative LeShawn Ford urged leaders to halt teaching unfair history classes in Illinois public schools until a suitable alternative is developed. In his statement to the press, Rep. Ford said I’m calling on the Illinois State Board of Education and local school districts to take immediate action by removing current history books and curriculum practices that unfairly communicate our history. He calls for a curriculum that does not lead to a racists society resulting in white privilege. Rep. Ford is one of many calling for a replacement of history classes in America’s public schools, of which there are many. One effort to engage teens to purge current history courses they say are filled with miseducation and systemic racism is Diversity Our Narrative. The web site encourages teens to become community organizers and provides tools to assist them in going forward. With a click, an activist can download email templates, tips on how to conduct a social media campaign, and templates tor community and school board petitions. All the resources a teen needs to implement her version of a diverse history in her high school is at her fingertips.   

Christians have long decried the lack of history and civics classes in public schools but perhaps had no idea where to start to stop the downward trend. Liberals, realizing the void, now seek to take advantage of a rare opportunity to insert their version of history. One side will win, and the end product of what such a curriculum teaches will depend on whether or not the person writing curriculum loves America or considers America a corrupt nation founded by greedy white men.

What Rep. Ford and those who want history revised may not realize is that America’s public schools have not taught American history in earnest for well over 20 years, creating a void being filled with anti-American bias. A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress revealed how badly our students fared as only 18 percent of American high school kids showed proficiency in US history. The problem is that our students do not know the history of America because they have not been taught. We cannot sit by and watch as those who attended university social studies taught by professors who filled their minds with hatred for America, now are the ones who want to rewrite our history with a one-sidedness that will destroy our nation.     

Extreme division and the resulting turmoil in our nation have revealed yet another area where our public schools have failed its students. America’s public schools have not taught American history in earnest for well over 20 years. The sharp decline began in 2000 when President George W. Bush introduced his educational initiative, No Child Left Behind. Schools began excessive testing and holding teachers accountable for progress, or lack thereof, of their students. Under pressure to perform, teachers began to teach to the tests, and omitted subjects not tested, like history and civics. The pressure intensified as eighth-graders started participating in international testing that ranked our eighth-grade students against other countries. The US didn’t do very well, so teachers kept up the non-history trend to focus on subjects their students would see on an upcoming standardized test.     

Universities and colleges have an even worse record in the history department, with significant changes appearing in the 1960s as history departments began presenting history in social concepts. As history merged with other social courses, history departments became Social Sciences, which includes courses like ethnic studies, women’s studies, and gender studies. Many students who graduate from college may do so with no history classes as some colleges no longer require a basic course on Western Civilization, even for history majors. Even scarier is that the majority of courses in Social Sciences are taught by liberal or socialists professors. According to a study conducted by Neil Gross and Solon Simmons, one in five professors in the social sciences self-identified as “Marxist.” It’s challenging to find a conservative voice in social sciences and humanities, where they have practically disappeared from many areas of inquiry. 

As adults with college degrees, the liberally educated take positions of leadership like Rep. Ford and seek to fill the void of history and civic education by insisting public schools immediately implement their version of history. Teachers seeking to fill the void supplement their classroom history classes with material easily accessed from the internet like the 1619 Project and Howard Zinn’s History of the American People. In the process, our nation suffers further division and our motto E publus unum (Out of many, one), changes to Unum e pluribus (Out of one, many).

America’s public schools have created a void in educating its people in history and civics. It is precisely because our students have not been taught history that radicals feel free to call for the liberal history they learned while attending our universities to be taught in America’s public schools. The reality is that history will be taught in public schools. What remains to be seen is whose account will prevail.   

 Civics desperately needs to be taught in our schools, and our history may need to be revised, but what we need is a history that will call forth great men and women from our youth. Those who will want to make this country great and not focus on its faults in such a way that damages beyond repair structures and institutions that made America great so that we lose our nation in the process. One thing for sure, if true patriots do not get busy and implement a pro-American curriculum quickly, there are anti-American forces who will.  

At a recent press conference in Chicago, Democratic State Representative LeShawn Ford urged leaders to halt teaching unfair history classes in Illinois public schools until a suitable alternative is developed. In his statement to the press, Rep. Ford said I’m calling on the Illinois State Board of Education and local school districts to take immediate action by removing current history books and curriculum practices that unfairly communicate our history. He calls for a curriculum that does not lead to a racists society resulting in white privilege. Rep. Ford is one of many calling for a replacement of history classes in America’s public schools, of which there are many. One effort to engage teens to purge current history courses they say are filled with miseducation and systemic racism is Diversity Our Narrative. The web site encourages teens to become community organizers and provides tools to assist them in going forward. With a click, an activist can download email templates, tips on how to conduct a social media campaign, and templates tor community and school board petitions. All the resources a teen needs to implement her version of a diverse history in her high school is at her fingertips.   

Christians have long decried the lack of history and civics classes in public schools but perhaps had no idea where to start to stop the downward trend. Liberals, realizing the void, now seek to take advantage of a rare opportunity to insert their version of history. One side will win, and the end product of what such a curriculum teaches will depend on whether or not the person writing curriculum loves America or considers America a corrupt nation founded by greedy white men.

What Rep. Ford and those who want history revised may not realize is that America’s public schools have not taught American history in earnest for well over 20 years, creating a void being filled with anti-American bias. A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress revealed how badly our students fared as only 18 percent of American high school kids showed proficiency in US history. The problem is that our students do not know the history of America because they have not been taught. We cannot sit by and watch as those who attended university social studies taught by professors who filled their minds with hatred for America, now are the ones who want to rewrite our history with a one-sidedness that will destroy our nation.     

Extreme division and the resulting turmoil in our nation have revealed yet another area where our public schools have failed its students. America’s public schools have not taught American history in earnest for well over 20 years. The sharp decline began in 2000 when President George W. Bush introduced his educational initiative, No Child Left Behind. Schools began excessive testing and holding teachers accountable for progress, or lack thereof, of their students. Under pressure to perform, teachers began to teach to the tests, and omitted subjects not tested, like history and civics. The pressure intensified as eighth-graders started participating in international testing that ranked our eighth-grade students against other countries. The US didn’t do very well, so teachers kept up the non-history trend to focus on subjects their students would see on an upcoming standardized test.     

Universities and colleges have an even worse record in the history department, with significant changes appearing in the 1960s as history departments began presenting history in social concepts. As history merged with other social courses, history departments became Social Sciences, which includes courses like ethnic studies, women’s studies, and gender studies. Many students who graduate from college may do so with no history classes as some colleges no longer require a basic course on Western Civilization, even for history majors. Even scarier is that the majority of courses in Social Sciences are taught by liberal or socialists professors. According to a study conducted by Neil Gross and Solon Simmons, one in five professors in the social sciences self-identified as “Marxist.” It’s challenging to find a conservative voice in social sciences and humanities, where they have practically disappeared from many areas of inquiry. 

As adults with college degrees, the liberally educated take positions of leadership like Rep. Ford and seek to fill the void of history and civic education by insisting public schools immediately implement their version of history. Teachers seeking to fill the void supplement their classroom history classes with material easily accessed from the internet like the 1619 Project and Howard Zinn’s History of the American People. In the process, our nation suffers further division and our motto E publus unum (Out of many, one), changes to Unum e pluribus (Out of one, many).

America’s public schools have created a void in educating its people in history and civics. It is precisely because our students have not been taught history that radicals feel free to call for the liberal history they learned while attending our universities to be taught in America’s public schools. The reality is that history will be taught in public schools. What remains to be seen is whose account will prevail.   

 Civics desperately needs to be taught in our schools, and our history may need to be revised, but what we need is a history that will call forth great men and women from our youth. Those who will want to make this country great and not focus on its faults in such a way that damages beyond repair structures and institutions that made America great so that we lose our nation in the process. One thing for sure, if true patriots do not get busy and implement a pro-American curriculum quickly, there are anti-American forces who will.  

Think Doing Away With ACT and SAT Is A Good Thing? Think Again

Over the last four months, ivy league universities like Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Duke, and Brown announced their decision to do away with any usage of the ACT and SAT exams, not just for the upcoming school year, but permanently. As if on cue, other institutions of higher learning, quickly followed their lead.

Why are colleges suddenly averse to entrance exams? According to a press release by Harvard University, they are looking to find a more well-rounded applicant who is not a part of the upper-middle-class. Somehow, the elimination of testing will allow universities to increase diversity without any loss of academic quality. All of a sudden, college entry exams exist as the ultimate act of discrimination against people of color. Entry tests, required by our educational system, are a blatant example of the systemic racial disparities embedded in American society and were put in place by white supremacists to assure people of color remained lower class and poor for generations. Some decry the exams as unfair to students who score lower, or average as compared to the scores of their more advantaged peers. Almost every reason one can imagine to promote racial prejudice in education is given as a reason to discontinue the SAT and ACT as college entrance exams.

Newly devised entrance applications will consist of some combination of the following: essays, video presentations, lists of extracurricular activities, and organizations to which the student belongs. All of the listed items will quickly identify a student’s political ideas, race, and susceptibility of falling in line with the university’s predominant radical ideas, promoted by the majority of the school’s professors.

The original intent of the SAT and ACT, instituted during the 1940s, was to assure every college applicant an equal chance of admittance, regardless of color. Nicholas Lemann, in his book The Big Test: The Secret History of The American Meritocracy (pg 52) writes about James Conant, as the President of Harvard and the major player in not only getting Harvard to start requiring entrance exams but others institutions of higher learning as well. Conant wanted a governing elite selected on the basis of merit, not parentage – and the most deep-seated wish in American culture, an opportunity for everyone.

The real issue behind discarding entrance exams lies deeper than the academic community cares to admit. Colleges and universities need systemic change by promoting academic discourse instead of political radicalism. Also alarming is the high cost of university tuition. Universities could lower their tuition to allow more students to attend their institutions without accruing excessive student loan debt. But instead of much needed positive changes, the educationally elite have thrown in their woke version of change by the elimination of entrance exams. This semblance of change allows universities like Harvard, to continue their anti-God, anti-American, and anti-family indoctrination of our youth, with no interruption of their budget because of the continuing flow of government grants and student loans.

Universities and Colleges have two reasons to eliminate entrance exams:
First: As colleges and universities face declining enrollment, they look for a new pool of potential high school graduates who will fill their student quotas.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, twenty percent fewer students intend to enroll in four-year schools in the fall of 2020. There has been a steady decline in college enrollment as students and parents are no longer consider a degree necessary to jumpstart a career. Since 2016, four-million high school graduates who might have enrolled in a college in the past, have opted not to pursue higher education. President Trump’s June 26, 2020, executive order didn’t help. The federal government, as the nation’s largest employer of 2.1 million civilian workers, can now hire non-degreed applicants equally as those with degrees in hiring new employees.
Second: Higher Education needs a continual influx of young minds, easily influenced who will fit into the new socialist America.

Radical professors are in the majority in college classrooms, and they intend to remain that way. According to John M. Ellis in his new book The Breakdown of Higher Education: How It Happened, The Damage It Does, And What Can Be Done About It (pg.27), states, It is rare to find a college or university in America where departments are not predominately radical or, at a minimum, leftist. The virtual extinction of conservative voices occurred about 1999 when it became clear that radicals were not hiring others like themselves, but rather they were hellbent on hiring fellow radicals. Socialists employed in academia, do not hire conservatives, they hire those as radical as themselves, if not more so.

To maintain their new student quota, colleges now turn their attention to a different kind of student than they once courted. Their perfect student will be a student of color, whose family is not part of the upper-middle class. And he will be the first generation in the family to go to college. The parents’ yearly income is less than $125,000. Parents will most likely not able to pay for the child’s college tuition, requiring the student to use student loans to reach his dream of a college education. Much of the massive expansion of colleges and universities have been at the expense of the students who incur student loan debt to pay the high price of college tuition. Student loan debt in America surpassed credit card debt in 2012 and continues to rise with student loan debt currently at $1.6 trillion. Colleges bear no responsibility for student loan debt. The burden falls on the backs of the individual student for years after graduation.
To continue the radical agenda, we witness in colleges today, universities desire their applicants to come from the public schools of America. To continue teaching radical ideas, radical college professors need new minds, who already have a predisposition toward socialism and anti-American thought instilled in them during their years in our public high schools.
For the last sixty years, America’s colleges and Universities took in the cream of the crop of our youth. Over a four-year timeframe, professors enlightened the new students with anti-American, anti-God, and anti-family rhetoric. Many graduates remain forever changed – lost to their families, the church, and to the country that gave them hope for a future. The more extreme returnees embrace socialism and Marxism, and actively seek to overthrow the government of America. As believers, we say, “No more!”

Pray: We disrupt the plans of the enemy who has come to steal our children. They do not know the thoughts of the Lord, and that He intends victory for His people. Let God’s people rise up like a mighty army and throw off the bondage of debt and deception that American Colleges and Universities have placed on our children.

Post Coronavirus Could Bring Positive Changes to Mountain of Education

                                     Classrooms Empty Across America as Coronavirus Spreads

A shift in education occurred as public school administrators across America closed school buildings and sent students home for the remainder of the school year to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. Realizing the responsibility to continue to educate students in a different setting, many public school administrators struggled to adjust from predominately classroom content delivery to virtual online delivery. Public education needed a reset, but few were prepared for changes to happen as rapidly as they did. During this time, the cultural Mountain of Education made significant changes that will most likely be permanent, and it remains to be seen whether or not those changes will benefit America or cause the nation harm. The result will depend on the prayers of believers. Whatever happens, we will forever connect the Coronavirus outbreak and consequent closing of school buildings with a seismic shift in education as we currently know it.
• The most apparent change to come to education was to online learning as a means to deliver instruction to students. Until the Coronavirus, online learning existed to accommodate those students who missed school days, needed to make up a missed or failed class to graduate, or who simply functioned better with online learning.

• The second significant change is that students will choose when and where they want to learn. Gone will be the “factory model” of education that began over 200 years ago. Manufacturers needed schools to educate workers who went to work when the 8:00 am factory whistle sounded and left work at the same sound at 5:00 pm. The structured school day could now be only a memory of past generations. With online learning, we begin to turn out students educated as independent workers not tied to brick and mortar institutions that require a physical presence in a specific location, bound to a rigid routine. Education has changed.

• If we pray, online learning has the potential to upend the secularization of schooling. Horace Mann founded the first public school in 1834, funded with taxpayer money. The use of taxpayer money gave Mann’s progressive supporters two advantages, money to build more schools and the elimination of religious instruction. Parents, wary of sending their children to failing schools, and schools that cause them to leave their faith, now because of virtual learning find themselves with options to select a curriculum that includes religious values.

• The disruption of the National Education Association (NEA) will continue its current decline in membership. As the largest labor union in the United States, the NEA is a powerful force in education. The NEA has lost a significant number of members in recent years as 27states have initiated right-to-work laws. As new school alternatives emerge, educators are less likely to join a union.

• Charter schools could be the trend of the future. The Department of Education under President Trump and with Secretary Betsy DeVos at the helm has promoted charter schools and school vouchers. President Trump recently said, “I want every single inner-city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom, the civil right, to attend the school of their choice.” With virtual learning and fewer tax dollars going to buildings, textbooks, consultants, etc. more school alternatives like online charter schools, online schools, private schools, and even vouchers emerge.

• For the history of schools in America, the gold standard has been hard-copy textbooks. With the advent of more online schools and learning with computers, the new delivery method will be online. Prayer is needed that the newly developed curriculum promotes the values and virtues that will strengthen the beliefs of America’s founding fathers.

Because of the Coronavirus, in a matter of a few weeks, virtual online instruction ceased being a convenience for a few students to being a necessity for all students. Virtual learning has the potential to upend everything that concerns public schools from morning commute traffic to a family’s routine. Students will now be able, even encouraged, to learn anywhere and anytime they wish.
The good news is online learning has the potential to strengthen the families of our nation. Switching to virtual learning gives parents more control over the education of their children.
The closing of public schools gave a wake-up call for parents. As many realized, they had more options available to them than they thought possible. A dream of President Trump has been to return the parents the right to choose the educational delivery system that would best suit their children.

One thing is for sure: education will no longer be the same in the United States and perhaps across the world. It could be better if we pray.
I’m asking you to pray over the possible changes and agree that only positive changes that benefit America, the students of this land, and the families of our nation will prevail.

Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to:

Original Intent for American Education

The majority of Americans who refer to education in this nation, think only of public schools as we know them today, but that’s not how education started in America, and a quick look at history reveals two educational systems. The first educational system was the original intent of our founding fathers. Known as the Father of Public Education, Horace Mann is responsible for implementing the second public school system, the major system we have in the United States today. This is the system that is predominant in our country today.

From the standpoint of the founding fathers, the original intent was for schools to be founded and funded by local communities. The first laws on education were passed in the 1640s in the Massachusetts Bay Colony where the Pilgrims lived. The laws required that parents saw to it that their children knew how to read the Bible and to be able to understand the laws of the land. It was clear that parents were to be the ones who oversaw the education of their children.

The primary system consists of the secular public schools we have today funded by taxpayer money and steeped in socialism and social issues. The original system is what our forefathers intended at the inception of this nation. To pray effectively for America’s education, we must look at the history behind how we got to our present the failed state of education and pray for the restoration of the original system.

We have an early glimpse as to the value early colonists placed on education by the laws the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed in 1643-1643. These laws required parents to educate their children and other children , The Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed of the first laws regarding education. In 1643, they passed a law that required parents to teach any child under their care to read and to work with numbers. If parents failed to educate their children, the government could remove them and place them in a home where they could receive a good education.

Most schools Early settlers used a Bible-based education, held high moral standards for the students, and stressed hard work and academics.

The Bible Although Massachusetts stressed education, the same was not necessarily true for the other colonies. Schools, if they existed at all, were organized by town councils, local churches, urban charitable societies, or put together with a rotation of the town’s citizens as teachers. More often than not, the Bible was the only textbook available in a classroom. Mandatory attendance was not required, which resulted in a high rate of absenteeism. The demands of children to sustain the family’s subsistence by helping with household chores, working in the fields, and assisting with a family business often took precedence over schooling.

The original system intended by our forefathers barely holds a glimmer of hope but can be revived.

Conclusion for Original Intent for Education of Children in the Colonies: The original intent of education from the standpoint of the Founding Fathers was for children to be taught the Bible in such a way that their lives were to be lived by God-given principles, knowing God as their creator, and ultimately knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Westward Expansion Spreads Secular Education (1812-1860)
From 1812-1860, education took a drastic turn in America away from its original intent. The diversion occurred as a result of two people: Horace Mann and Catharine Beecher.

Horace Mann served in the Massachusetts Legislature from 1827-1837, at which time he resigned to take the position of the newly created Massachusetts office of Secretary of Education. Horace Mann was raised in a Christian family but rejected Christianity and became a secular humanist and attended a Unitarian church. While running for office in the state legislature, Mann made a campaign promise to the Unitarians that he would start secular public schools funded by taxpayer money, which he did during his time as Secretary of Education. He is known as the Father of Public Education. Mann hated Calvinism with a passion and fought the churches who opposed his new school proposal. The Calvinists of the day feared the long-range effects of secular education and stated, “We do not need this central, all-absorbing power; it is anti-republican in all its bearings, well-adapted perhaps, to Prussia, and other European despotism, but not wanted here.” (The Christian Witness 1844)

Opposition to public schools was so prevalent that Horace Mann and his supporters secretly organized the placement of people in communities for the sole purpose to lobby in such a way to sway public opinion toward government schools.

Catharine Beecher’s father, Lyman Beecher, pastored a Presbyterian church in Ohio. As a pastor, he opposed the spread of Unitarianism, preached predestination, preached a conversion experience, advocated for the gradual elimination of slavery, and fought against the forming of secular public schools. All of her life, his daughter, Catharine expressed great opposition to the idea of conversion and a personal relationship with God. She instead embraced logic and reasoning as redemptive qualities. She refused to convert and embraced the belief that public works could serve society as well as a private faith.

In 1803, America under President Thomas Jefferson completed the Louisiana Purchase, which gave America 828,000 square miles of land for expansion. The humanistic concept of Manifest Destiny fed into the ideas of the two secular educators, Horace Mann, and Catharine Beecher, who seized the opportunity to secularize the settlers and their children in the newly acquired territory. They Europeanized the heathen and uncouth inhabitants of the new land, thereby creating a new secular society, devoid of Christianity in the new territory.

Horace Mann and Catharine Beecher joined forces to promote a new teaching profession for women. Beecher and Mann saw women as the best way to expand their new religion of secularism throughout the country and particularly felt that teaching was a great profession for unmarried women. They coined the term “missionary teachers” to entice women whose mission would be to educate “ignorant and neglected children” of the frontier. The ideal school fashioned after Prussian schools that Mann admired, were based on the teaching of humanistic philosophy.

Mann particularly liked to hire women teachers because women willingly suffered the hardships of frontier life and worked at a small fraction of the cost of a male teacher. He often bragged at how much money he saved by hiring women. As people moved west, frontier schools sprang up like wildfire through the new territory.

Conclusion for the Original Intent of Public Schools Funded with Taxpayer Money: With the formation of public schools, education was taken from the church and local communities and put under the direction of the government. Those who attended church held to a high standard of morals that Mann and Beecher wanted to be taught, without any teaching on religion and certainly not a salvation experience.

If any two people can claim credit for changing American social, academic, and ultimately political direction from libertarian to one governed by the state, the credit must go to Horace Mann and Catharine Beecher. They redefined public education as America’s new, more gentle church and female teachers as the ministers of American morality.
They were able to overcome the Church’s objections and teach a secular, watered down religion that attempted to retain moral content without referring to Jesus or conversion. They were on a passionate mission, well-financed with taxpayer money, and had the social backing of the Harvard Unitarian elite.

Note: On April 26, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to begin the process of returning school control to state and local officials. If carried through, President Trump’s order is a major step in returning schools to the original intent of our founding fathers.

The Prophetic Guard in Education

Most of us in our daily routines pass by our neighborhood school with little notice, unless we are required to slow down because children are present at a school crossing, in which case, we wait patiently while a school crossing guard helps the children across the street safely. We expect our town to do everything it can to guard our children physically from harm. But, who keeps our children from spiritual harm?

In Genesis 4:19, Cain asks God is he his brother’s keeper. The Hebrew word for keep is “shamar.” Cain was to “shamar” his brother, which means he was to guard, to keep, to be a watchman over his brother. We can be all those things physically to the children in our schools, but it takes a special person to “shamar” children from spiritual harm. This person is what I call, a Shamar Prophet, someone who is tuned into what the Spirit is saying, not just about individuals who would spiritually harm our children but also to those who would physically harm them. The Shamar Prophet reaches into the realm of the Spirit and speaks words that create a safe place for a child (or children). A Shamar Prophet is not simply someone who is concerned for the children in our educational system, but someone with a Godly Spiritual awareness who will boldly take a stand against injustice, ungodliness, spiritual abuse, physical abuse, and mental abuse. This person knows by the Spirit what is not only wrong at the moment, but also what is wrong for the future.

A great example came recently in a news article. A group of mothers raised their voices in opposition to Houston Public Library’s “Drag Queen Story Hour.” The majority of the children who attended this event were preschoolers. Once the mothers found that some of the “readers” were convicted sex offenders, they rallied in prayer and protest. On March 15, 2019, the Houston Library announced it would discontinue the “Drag Queen Story Hour.” These moms were the Shamar Prophets who guarded the hearts and minds of the children.

The cultural Mountain of Education is a huge force in this nation, and for the most part belongs to the world’s system of thinking, called humanism. To liken humanism to a fortress built around the mountain, might be a good example. It will not come down by natural means, but only by the Spirit of God. This is not a job for one church or denomination, because Shamar Prophets sit, often hidden, in every church and in every denomination. They know the power of God and how to exercise their authority to bring down strongholds. Now is the time to pray and call them to come forward for the task at hand. They are needed at this time in the history of our nation to confront the evils in the cultural Mountain of Education.

Zechariah 4: 6-7 “So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. “What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground….”

Would you pray with me that God would begin to speak to Prophetic Believers who will operate in the office of a Shamar Prophet in their homes, schools, and offices? They will hold up righteousness and will properly address unrighteousness.

Prayer for the Mountain of Education During the Month of Tishrei

Prayer for the Mountain of Education during the Month of Tishrei – Linked to the Tribe of Ephraim
The month of Tishrei begins September 10th and ends October 9th. God has a redemptive plan for each month and this month we look at Tishrei, as the month of the ancients. As we speak to the Mountain of Education, we honor those who came to this country in order to worship God and teach their children to love and serve Him.

• Tishrei is the month of the strong –
We decree: That only the Godly will rule over education in this Nation. We call forth strong men and women of God, who are righteous and who will not back down in the face of evil.

• Tishrei is the month of appointed times –
We decree: As this month is the official beginning of school, it is an appointed time for the students in America to learn the Word of God and discover their Creator.

• Tishrei is the month we return to God to experience His glory –
We decree: Thank you, God, for our forefathers who experienced firsthand Your Glory and came to America to establish “one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.” We proclaim their words will ring throughout this land! We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all!

• Tishrei is the month of Leviathan- the time to return to one’s absolute source.
We decree: Education in America returns to its absolute source where students are instructed in the Word of God and share Your love throughout this nation.

• Tishrei is the month of reflected light –
We decree: The light of Jesus shines in the hearts of our children and that light is reflected to the world around them.

• Tishrei is the month to press through to touch HIM –
We decree: Intercessors everywhere rise up to pray for America’s Mountain of Education. We press through. We do not give up. We are not weary. We are not faithless. We are strong in our faith and we do not back down when faced with humanism and evil teachings. We boldly declare that America’s schools are free to teach Jesus.

• Tishrei is the month to be fruitful and multiply –
We decree: We speak multiplication of Godliness in America’s school administrators, teachers and students. Godly schools will increase exponentially.

Prayer for the Mountain of Education During the Month of Av

Linked to the Tribe of Simeon, the month of Av (July 13- August 11, 2018) is associated with the time the twelve spies explored the promise land. Ten spies brought back a discouraging “evil” report, “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is the fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there….” Two spies, Caleb and Joshua, brought back a good report, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

Av is the month:
• to believe the good report.
• for the divine will of the Father to be executed!
• to advance through partnerships.
• for a new level of discernment

Mountain of Education decrees for the month of Av:
• Although there are giants in the land we say with Joshua and Caleb, “Our God is mighty and although there are giants who have strongholds in the land by our God we are well able to overcome!” We decree that we are well able to bring education under the jurisdiction of the God and creator of the Universe!

• We decree that this month of Av is the time to turn the tide of unbelief – we no longer look at the Mountain of Education as unmoveable. This mountain will be transformed by the power of God!

• We decree that strongholds of humanism are broken over Americas Schools.

• We decree that Mountain Moving Faith will rise in believers across America to change education.

• We decree that as we start a new school year, this is the year for the divine will of the Father to be executed in the cultural Mountain of Education!

• We decree that divine partnerships are established this month that will advance Godly education and expose ungodly, corrupt, practices in American education.

• We decree that the Godly decision makers will rise to a new level of discernment that will penetrate and destroy the culture of death in our schools.

Why the Future is Better than We Think

It’s often difficult to see beyond the immediate problems of our planet to where we could be if God were to give us new innovations, new solutions and new horizons. We look at what the world is telling us and believe, like Chicken Little, “The sky is falling.” But if we believe that God is bringing solutions to every day problems we face, then we know there is no a problem that He can not solve and, frankly, our world is in very good hands.

Recently, at the recommendation of a friend, I purchased the book, Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think. (Yes, another book!) Opening the book, I thought, “Yeah, I bet. Everyone knows the future is dismal and we are all in a grind. True to human nature, sometimes we all need a different perspective on life and although the book isn’t a religious book, it gave me a new perspective on what new possibilities lie before us, especially in regard to technology and how God is giving people on His earth the wisdom to solve problems of water shortages, infant mortality, poverty, famine, food shortages and a host of other issues our world faces. What if, God was looking for problem solvers who will advance His Kingdom on this earth?

One example was in Columbia South America. From 1999 to 2008, Columbia was ruled by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Force of Columbia) a Marxist-Leninist insurgency group that dealt in drugs, kidnappings, arms dealing, and terrorism. They were a force to be reckoned with, and anyone who spoke against them ended up dead.

A young man had the idea to One young man had an idea to set up a FaceBook Page and called it “A Million Voices Against FARC.” He had four simple pleas: NO MORE KIDNAPPING, NO MORE LIES, NO MORE DEATH, NO MORE FARC. He published the FB page one night and the next morning he had 1500 likes. Within a week, he had 100,000 likes. One month later he had 400,000 volunteers and was able to muster over 12 million people in 200 cities across the world who were willing to take to the streets. In Bogota there were 1.2 million to protest. News of the demonstrations penetrated the jungles and FARC, fearing for their lives, disbanded. There was NO MORE FARC. The lessons learned from Columbia.
We need each other.
We need a plan.
We need technology.
We need unity.
We need someone with the “juice” of the Holy Spirit to lead the cause.

All of the elements came together in one example from the country of Columbia.

We’ve all seen those pictures of busy little robots in a factory. They each do the work of one hundred employees and they don’t require health insurance, vacation pay or sick leave. They are just worker bees – toiling away and taking meaningful jobs from good honest people. While they may take those jobs, the people they replace are now able to take more meaningful jobs.

It’s easy to imagine that technology takes away jobs and sometimes difficult to see the next generation of jobs on the horizon.

If one believes in a good then the future is definitely better than we think!

Why Did Jamel Dunn Drown?

On July 9, 2017, Jamel Dunn, Aged 32 of Cocoa, Florida drowned in a retention pond. Five teenagers watched as Jamel struggled against the water to save himself. The five teens shouted at Jamel as they recorded the drowning.

While Dunn screamed for help and struggled to keep his head above water, the teens shouted at him. “Nobody is going to help your a—!” As his head sank under the water, the boys laughed as they said, “Oh he just died!”

Where did these malicious, thoughtless, and evil teens get the idea it was okay to watch Jamel Dunn die and not make any attempt to save him, but rather did just the opposite—encouraged him die? The teens went unpunished because they broke no laws. Which leaves us to ask, “Why did they not feel compelled to help? What kind of parents, educational system, and society did not instill in these young men any morals?” The fact is they were raised in American families and attended American schools.

The fact is our children are learning morals, it’s just those morals are taught as socially relevant. If students are not taught differently at home, in the media, in church, then they will be raised in a moral vacuum.

In common core curriculum, there is scant mention of our founding fathers and no mention of the fact that they believed in a God who is the Creator of heaven and earth and that as individuals we will be held accountable to a higher power for our actions on this earth.

Students are taught they are okay and everyone else is to blame for any flaws they might have. They are taught the first law of the land is to take care of themselves and them only. It’s the way of humanism – the religion taught in our public schools. The void of moral teaching is filled with the reinforcement of self-love and the use of self-interest as a moral compass. Our country cannot sustain itself with such teaching.

It is time to launch a counter-offensive of prayer that will address the issues of humanism gone rampant. As we pray, direction is given, so let us pray in earnest for the redemption of education in America!

Prayer for Tulsa Public Schools

Prayer for Tulsa Public Schools

August 16, 2018, TCI sponsored a call to prayer for Tulsa Public Schools. Thirty-six people from almost every spectrum of Tulsa’s education came. The keynote “pray-er” was Dr. Madeline Manning Mims, an Olympic Gold Metal winner. I very grateful to Chloe Allen and Sherrill Cressman. Chloe is an outstanding woman of God who brought Spirit led and Spirit directed people of prayer to the event!! Sherrill is a TCI board member, former teacher, and a great friend.

Special Guest Speaker
Dr. Madeline Manning Mims
Dr. Mims is an Olympic Gold Metal winner and a motivational speaker for the youth of our nation.

School Board Members came to pray.

Principals prayed.

Students Prayed

School supplies for teachers give-away.